West of Sicily - Esperienze | © Archivio West of Sicily


A thousand trips in one

If you had to describe the west of Sicily with just one adjective, it would probably be “astonishing".


World-class archaeological sites, cities built on the interweaving of different cultures, stunning nature, age-old traditions, eclectic cuisine – and all at your fingertips. All in one single trip. Each of us takes home from a holiday different memories, moments, experiences, places, but here there are so many things to do that you might need a little help choosing.

Holiday ideas

There are places in western Sicily that you cannot miss. Authentic places, to take with you in the baggage of your memorable memories! They can't be missing from your list: find the ideas that best suit your tastes.

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Experiences to be lived

Western Sicily is an exceptional territory: a thousand-year-old culture that nestles in the beauty of its nature together with surprising culinary and artisan traditions.
In this area of ​​the three-pointed island, where distances are easily overcome, it is possible to live unique experiences: because western Sicily is an area that offers a thousand emotions.
All you have to do is choose what is best for you!

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How Long Will You Stay

It's not a question of time, it's a question of which of the 1000 trips in one to choose.
Western Sicily is an area so rich in cultural, naturalistic, food and wine destinations and traditional activities to discover that whatever the number of days you have available you will have the opportunity to experience a complete trip, tailored to your needs.

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Castellammare del Golfo, the tourist walk

The "tourist walk" is a service sponsored by the Municipality of Castellammare del Golfo and offered by the volunteers of the Kernos association

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Sports & Outdoors

Playing sport is good for your body and health. Doing it immersed in fairytale scenarios, such as those of western Sicily, is good for the eyes and the spirit. Discover the wildest part through trekking, immerse yourself in the blue waters, walk on horseback through the beauty of nature, "fly" on the waves on a kite and much more: you will be spoiled for choice to explore the Western Sicily the way you like it most.

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Relaxation and Well-being

Lentezza, silenzio e calma: con le sue spiagge tranquille, la sua natura benevola ricca di boschi e di riserve naturali, la Sicilia occidentale offre a chi desidera trovare quiete sia il benessere fisico sia il relax rigenerante, offrendo meravigliose possibilità per rallentare i ritmi e riattivare i sensi.

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Discover the wonders of the sea

Boat holidays

The coasts of western Sicily are so beautiful and full of magical places, such as the numerous caves on the islands, that you cannot miss the chance to discover them. 

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The land of the Florio family

Scopri la terra dei Florio ripercorrendo le tracce di una famiglia divenuta leggenda, protagonista assoluta della belle époque siciliana.

Dall’innovazione delle tonnare, passando per gli edifici liberty, fino all’intuizione del vino Marsala – il primo prodotto italiano riconosciuto come DOC, i Florio hanno cambiato profondamente la Sicilia.

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